(See the video below for a quick example). It is easy to transpose scanned music at the click of a mouse in any notation software or DAW. You can scan and convert the sheet music so you can then play it back or print it in a different key signature.

You could do any or all of the following: There are lots of exciting possibilities available if you can get access to a music scanner. ScanScore Music Scanning App and Software.NEW! Brand new detailed video review of Photoscore and NotateMe Ultimate.Sibelius Notation Software Includes Sheet Music Scanning Capability.
How To Scan Sheet Music Step by Step – Video Tutorial with Sibelius and Photoscore.Playscore 2 Video Tutorial Contents and Time Stamps.Music Scanning App: Step-by-Step Video Tutorial and Review of Playscore 2.Now, with the improvement of cameras on mobile devices, there are more ways than ever to capture sheet music to edit, rearrange, or play back. In that video I used Photoscore and Sibelius Notation Software. Music Scanning Software Tutorial: Alongside the original post, I also created a step-by-step video tutorial on how to scan sheet music, which you can watch below. The most comprehensive music scanning software on the planning? Watch the video and decide! And if you like the look of it, buy Photoscore here Import, edit, extract parts, transpose, export, convert to MIDI …. You’ll be surprised at just how much you can do with your sheet music. New! Detailed Review of Photoscore and NotateMe Ultimate: Check out mybrand new detailed video review of Photoscore and NotateMe Ultimate. So, this updated post is a comparison of music scanning software and apps for mobile devices currently available in 2021. However, things have changed and moved on a bit. I originally wrote this post on music scanning software as a result of being frequently asked whether it is possible and practical to scan your sheet music books.